According to Coach King, the FungoMan has given his team the ability to practice in ways that they never have before, “We have been able to get both our infielders and outfielders quality reps prior to home games within a limited window of time, as well as allowing them to make reads on balls in the air that get tangled up with the Oklahoma wind.”
Coach King also mentions that he has notice a dramatic difference not only in his players’ ability to “go get balls,” because they are taking better angles and making better reads, but also that his players’ seem to have a new found confidence that allows them to attempt to make those plays that they would not have gone for in the past. But FungoMan has not only helped the Putnam City Panther’s make the big plays but has also given them the opportunity to work repeatedly on the “small stuff”, “It has definitely improved our small game defense by allowing us to replicate the tough ‘tweener’ bunts over and over.”.
Coach King goes on to say, “It has also really improved our catchers. It is amazing how much better they have gotten because of the quality pop ups they are able to get now, as opposed to one of us coaches struggling to hit it to them with a traditional fungo.”.
FungoMan has become just another one of the coaches at PC North and has really been a big help to the entire coaching staff, since they consistently feel short-handed. Even when a coach has a team all by himself, the Panthers are still able to get their normal amount of work in because the FungoMan allows that coach to maintain control of his practice and his team’s work load.
As the season draws to a close and Coach King’s squad begins to focus in on the upcoming play-offs he explains reason for his gratitude and success this season, “We truly feel that with the routines provided, and our creativity in creating new routines, that our baseball players will be more prepared for game situations than those who do not have a FungoMan. We are having the best year we’ve had in 6 years (22-4) and we attribute a lot of this to the preparation that FungoMan has provided us.”