13.5 hour FungoMan Day, 11,532 balls thrown
1 Month with the FungoMan
The St. Louis Gamers’ mission is to develop passionate and skilled baseball players to compete at the highest level nationally, while using baseball as a platform to teach important life lessons to young men in a team environment that is positive, challenging and fun.
The Gamers Academy Staff includes Matt Whiteside, Scott Cooper, Dave Pregon, Nick Beckmann, Nick Aboussie, Kevin Wheeler and Mark Gallion, a team with over 120 years of playing and coaching from the youth baseball to MLB level.
The Gamers use the FungoMan FM-250 in a variety of ways:
St. Louis Gamers Videos using the FM-250
13.5 hour FungoMan Day, 11,532 balls thrown
Ground Ball Drills
Outfield Drill
Catcher Receiving Drill
Catcher Throws