The Dodgertown spring training complex has a rich tradition full of great teams and players that have prepared for their professional seasons.  Most recently, a group of 145 high school players assembled at the facility for 5 days of intense practice, development, and games.  The FungoMan FM-150 played an integral part in the defensive drill stations, as well as a pitching machine in the cages at night.  In total, the FM-150 fired over 6000 balls in 3 1/2 days of use!

FungoMan Drills used at the event:
1. Popup Priority
2. Ground Balls to 3b, ss, 2b, 1b
3. Fungo Knee drill during defensive work
4. Curve ball recognition and hitting in the cages
5. Tag plays and short hop tag plays to 3b
6. 1b short hops at the bag

Professional Infield Authority Mike Brumley oversaw the infield stations.  He incorporated many of his drill series into the workouts and utilized the FM-150 to create specific types of ground balls.  For instance, the two hop, top spin ball hit sharply down the 3rd base line was worked on to improve the backhand and angle of approach.  Subtle techniques and instruction were possible to communicate and develop due to the accuracy and consistency of the FM-150.

In summary, the FM-150 was put to a significant test and performed flawlessly.  Many thanks to the Baseball Factory and Dodgertown personell, as well as the outstanding young athletes that participated in the event.

For more information about The Baseball Factory, Click Here.