The defensive workout at the Team One Baseball Showcases involve specific balls to specific locations on the field.  What better to accomplish this task than by using the FM-150 Automated Baseball Practice Machine?

The test of an outfielder should not be to only throw 3 balls from one location to third base, and then 3 more balls from the same location to home plate.

Athletic ability, quickness, adeptness to judge a fly ball, and the overall ability of an outfielder to react, adjust, and then throw a baseball are all tested in the showcase with the help of the FM-150.

The FM-150 has the ability to place precise ground balls to an infielder’s backhand or forehand.  Repeatability is the key to this machine’s usefulness.  Although some coaches have the ability to hit excellent fungoes to infielders, the consistency of the FM-150 Automated Baseball Practice Machine is unmatched!  Another significant benefit is the speed at which the machine operates.  No miss hits or do overs…this help optimize time in the showcase setting.

The FungoMan and Team One Staff created routines that were specific to the testing of outfielders, third basemen, middle infielders, and first basemen.  These routines were saved in the FM-150 remote and then replayed for each player as he went through his defensive workout.

The FM-150 can place balls precisely to specific locations on the field with a controlled velocity, elevation, position, and spin.  Thanks to the FM-150’s extensive memory storage, each player is able to receive the exact test that the other players in the showcase received.

A pre-programmed routine was run at both the South Showcase in Atlanta, and then again at the West Showcase in Long Beach, CA.  These routines allowed the Team One scouting staff evaluate from a consistent baseline.