Empowering athletes and coaches in their pursuit of excellence.
Our Mission
When it comes to player development and training, we believe athletes grow best with purposeful and specific repetitions. That’s why we’ve developed FungoMan technology. We’ve seen forward-thinking coaches and players across the country accelerate their development and skills, advance to the highest levels of play, all the while making a valuable contribution in their pursuit of excellence.
Our Story
The FungoMan idea was first conceived by baseball dad and former professional football player, Denny Duron, who wanted to give more reps to his son asking for extra practice. After realizing he couldn’t provide his son challenging defensive work, he and Romy Cucjen, also a baseball dad and former professional baseball player, set out to innovate a machine that would solve a couple of problems:
Ability to practice by yourself.
Perfect repetitions to practice concisely. Today, visionary coaches and players use FungoMan® technology to solve the same problem. As a result, FungoMan provides efficient fundamental repetitions for baseball and softball instructors alike.
Instructors now have time to explore and demonstrate advanced techniques and training methods. In effect, players are getting better faster. Teams are winning more games.